Montana Water Specialists

Individual Water Supplies – Understanding Water-Related Acronyms

AC.Ft. = Acre Feet MIT = Mitigation
AE = Adverse Effect MP = Mitigation Plan (w/permit documentation)
AF = Acre Feet MRWRCC = Montana Reserved Water Rights Compact Commission
ArcGIS = Customized project to map water rights MUSWC = Montana University System Water Center
ARM = Administrative Rules of Montana MW = Mitigation Water
ASD = Adjudication Shared Drive NASS = National Agricultural Statistic Service
ATR = Aquifer Testing Requirements NDA = Net Depletion Analysis
BCA = Basin Closure Area NEPA = National Environmental Protection Act
BCE = Basin Closure Exemption NRCS = National Resource Conservation Service
BIA = Bureau of Indian Affairs NRIS = Natural Resource Information Service
BWUP = Beneficial Water Use Permit PBU = Proposed Beneficial Use
C/C = Correct & Complete 85-23-436(8) PD = Priority Date
CERCLA = Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation & Liability Act PD = Preliminary Decree (Courts)
CF = Change Form PD = Preliminary Determination (DNRC)
CFS = Cubic Feet per Second PDD = Preliminary Determination to Deny (DNRC)
CSKT = Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes PDG = Preliminary Determination to Grant (DNRC)
DCMI = Domestic, Commercial, Municipal & Industrial uses POD = Point of Diversion
DEQ = Dept. of Environmental Quality (MT) POD = Period of Diversion
DFWP = Montana Dept. of Fish, Wildlife & Parks POS = Place of Storage
DL = Deficiency Letter POU = Point of Use
DNRC = Dept. of Natural Resource Conservation PWR = Paper Water Rights
DOR = Dept. of Revenue (MT) RTC = Realty Transfer Certificate
DPD = Draft Preliminary Determination RWRCC = Reserved Water Right Compact Commission
ELDI = Existing Legal Demand Index SCI = Substantial Credible Information
FERC = Federal Energy Regulatory Commission SDE = Stream Depletion Evaluation
FIIP = Flathead Indian Irrigation Project SR = Summary Report
FJBC = Flathead Joint Board of Control (represents the Flathead, Jocko Valley and Mission irrigation districts) SWR = Supplemental Water Rights
FR = Flow Rate TCA = Temporary Change Addendum
FTA = Farm Turnout Allowance UMO = Unitary Administration & Management Ordinance
FWP = Fish, Wildlife & Parks (MT) USDA = United States Dept. of Agriculture
GIS = Geographical Information System USGS = United States Geological Survey
GWA = Ground Water Application WPIC = Water Policy Interim Committee
GWIC = Groundwater Investigation Center WQR = Water Quality Report
GWUDISW = Groundwater under the direct influence of surface water WRCER = Water Right Claim Examination Rules
HBU = Historic Beneficial Use WRS = Water Resources Survey
IWR = Irrigation Water Requirement (Duty) WWR = Wet Water Rights
LEQC = Legislative Environmental Quality Council ZOI = Zone of Influence
MCA = Montana Code Annotated

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